Looking for inspiration for painting landscapes? Look no further than Yitzy Rosengarten. One of today’s most prominent landscape artists. His dynamic, vibrant landscapes are a joy to behold because they are so perfectly rendered. His landscapes are painted in a variety of different styles and techniques, all of which are meant to convey the emotions and atmosphere of the landscape.
Basic Landscape Colors
Landscape painters, such as Yitzy Rosengarten, often use a limited palette of colors to create their paintings. The most commonly used colors in landscape painting are green, blue, red, yellow, brown, and grey. The vast majority of landscape paintings include green as the dominant color and blue as a secondary or accent color. Green is used for trees, bushes, grass and other foliage, while blue is used for water, sky, and other neutral tones. The use of brown and grey is more dependent on the specific techniques the artist is using, such as shadow and highlight techniques. Grey is a neutral tone that can be used to represent shadows while brown is often used to represent dirt or hills.
Create Dramatic Effects
Dramatic landscapes made with strong colors, interesting lighting effects and strong shapes and lines can make for a compelling painting. Yitzy Rosengarten uses bold, bright colors, spotlights, and bold forms to make the painting feel alive and energetic. Strong, bright colors like red, orange, yellow and green are often used to create a lively, cheerful atmosphere. Yitzy Rosengarten uses also subtle blues, greys and purples to create more subdued, calming atmospheres.
Use Simple Techniques
Basic painting techniques like painting with acrylics, using watercolor brushes and sketching out the composition are often what create a calm, relaxed atmosphere in a painting. Yitzy Rosengarten indicates that painting with watercolor brushes is a very simple technique. It’s the same type of brush you use to paint with oil paints. It’s a very sensitive technique so you need to be careful not to add too much water to the paint or you’ll destroy the brush.
Mix Mediums
Mixing mediums can create interesting effects in landscape painting. Yitzy Rosengarten creates layered, mixed media paintings with acrylics, oils, watercolor, pastels and other mediums. These mediums can be mixed together to create many effects. Mixing bright acrylic paint with watercolor brushes will create an energetic or vibrant atmosphere, while mixing watercolor with oils creates stronger, more intense colors.
For Stronger Colors
Stronger colors can be made by adding transparency to watercolor paints or tinting acrylic paints with coloring mediums. Transparency is added to watercolor paints by gently heating them in a microwave or on the stove. Yitzy Rosengarten suggests you to be careful so they don’t get too hot or they’ll explode. Acrylic paints can also be made transparent using a special technique called “fuming”. Fuming involves adding ingredients like borax or washing soda to the paint and then shaking it vigorously before putting it in containers. This causes the ingredients to “fume”, giving the paint a white, crystalline appearance.
Landscape painting is an incredibly rewarding and challenging art form. It requires patience and perseverance to create works of art that will last a lifetime. Fortunately, by following these five tips for painting landscapes like Yitzy Rosengarten you can achieve amazing results. Whether you are painting an outdoor scene or a space in your home, remember to include trees, shrubs, and other plants in your painting. Plants provide oxygen to the atmosphere and help clean the air. They also provide food for wildlife and are key building blocks for creating beautiful landscapes.